
Spreading the Gospel All Over The World

Our Mission Partners Here and Around the World

Christian Student Fellowship (CSF) https://csfneb.org/

CSF exists to share the love, truth & purpose of Jesus Christ with college students...changing the world one life at a time. We reach out to students who grew up in the church, as well as those who are searching for answers to life's biggest questions. Through Bible studies, service projects, lunch tables and plenty of fun stuff, we simply want to meet students where they're at. We currently are active on campuses in Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, Norfolk & Peru State.


Deaf Missions https://www.deafmissions.com

Deaf Missions exists for one purpose: To effectively communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ with deaf people. This statement merely focuses the Great Commission of Jesus, which is to preach the Gospel to all people, on a group of people who have generally been left out.

Deaf Missions

Equip Romania - George and Barb Mihai Equip Romania

Since 2003, Equip Romania has been providing services through classes, conferences, training and outreach in the city of Braila and rural Braila county. This outreach includes helping build churches, Summer VBS programs, children’s ministry and short-term mission trips.

Equip Romania Equip Romania

Grace Christian Ministry http://gracechristianministry.org

Babu Samuel and his family have established churches in the Indian states of Kerala, Bihar and Odisha. GCM sponsors a Bible College and Bible Training Centers (6 in Kerala and 1 in Bihar), where students receive training to help them lead Christian congregations and establish new churches in India. Tuition is free for students who answer God's call to prepare them for service.

GCM India

Hands of Compassion

Hands of Compassion helps plant churches in Asia. Due to the sensitive nature of the mission work in some difficult places, we are unable to publish more information about this mission.

Literature & Teaching Ministry https://www.latm.info/#intro

LATM collaborates with missionaries and national church leaders to provide culturally relevant, Christ-centered books in the heart languages of people throughout the world.


Livingstone University https://www.livingstoneuniversity.org

Livingstone offers courses that are valuable to African society, as well as spiritual guidance and instruction in Biblical principles. LIU is working to produce students that are ethical, to make the right decisions, employable, to provide for their families, and empowered to make a difference in Africa. Located in Uganda, Africa

Livingstone University

Mission Stream - Joshua & Ruth Barron

The Barrons help plant churches among the Maasai & Turkana people; develop & implement curricula in the local languages, and train Kenyans in how to do this for themselves.http://www.barronfamilymission.net


Honduras http://www.rileys.rocaderefugio.com

Jim and Teri Riley (and their family) have been serving in Honduras for over 20 years. They planted a church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and have been discipling Christians of all ages in that setting. They frequently have short term mission teams come alongside them for ministry.


Pioneer Bible Translators: https://pioneerbible.org Pioneer Bible Translators exists to disciple the Bibleless, mobilizing Godʼs people to provide enduring access to Godʼs Word. Mark and Martha Huddleston are part of a team of Bible translators, and prayer warriors, who go all over the world working with local peoples to translate the Bible into their language.

Pioneer Bible Translators

South Pacific Christian Fellowship http://www.southpacificchurchplanting.com

SPCF dreams to ignite a passion for planting in people throughout Australia & New Zealand. They do this by planting as many healthy, biblically focused Christian Churches as they can; leading through transformational influence in the local communities and life- changing generational leadership development; and connecting with networks of like-minded churches and individuals to perpetuate the planting of more churches. We support Randy and Miki Brooks.

Randy and Miki Brooks