Answers to the big questions you are hearing and asking about Christianity.

Answers to the big questions you are hearing and asking about Christianity.

The Scripture does not avoid questions and God is not frustrated by them. God welcomes us with our questions and meets us with His grace and truth. Each week we will unpack pressing questions confronting the Christian faith.

On the Table is an 8-week study with a unique option for watching or reading material in preparation for small group discussion. Each week includes five days of related scripture reading and reflection questions. 

- Can We Trust the Bible?

- Is There Only One Way to God?

- Does Christianity Oppress Minorities, Women, and Others?

- How Can a Good God Allow Suffering?

- What Does God Say about Gender Dysphoria and the Transgender Movement?

- Why Does God Care about Sex?

- What Does God Say about Same-Sex Attraction, Marriage, and Singleness?

- How Does Hell Exist If God Is Love? 

These questions are answered with grace and truth in a way that is easy to understand and share with others.

Pastor Robin will lead this class.

Books are $15 for one, and $25 for two. You may pick them up in the lobby at church or on the first day of class.

Class begins on Wednesday, September 18 @ 6:30 p.m.